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Our County


With a population of approximately 7,200 people and a land area of 2,204 square miles, Ferry County has the lowest population density in the State of Washington. Large tracts of national forest in the northern half of the district, along with the Colville Indian Reservation to the south, limit the amount of privately owned land to 15%.

Ferry County has a short growing season and is lacking in areas with highly productive soils. This fact, along with a terrain of rugged forest, limits most agricultural production to the raising of livestock.


There are three Water Resource Inventory Areas (WRIA) within the district. The Kettle River spans international borders. It originates in Canada, enters Washington at Midway, and re-enters British Columbia before joining the Columbia River near Kettle Falls.
The other WRIA's are the San Poil and the Upper Columbia. The Upper Columbia consists of those streams on the eastern slope of the Kettle Range, south of the Kettle River, which drains into the Columbia. The San Poil drains the western slope of the Kettle Range. Ultimately, all the surface water within our District flows into the Columbia (Lake Roosevelt).

Image by Michael Busch

The Five Critical Areas 

Protected by Ferry County

Protecting critical areas also helps reduce exposure to risks, such as landslides or flooding, and maintains the natural elements of our landscape. It can be costly, or even impossible, to replace critical area functions and values once they are lost. 



Flooded river

Frequently Flooded Areas

Critical aquifer recharge area diagram

Critical Aquifer Recharge Area

geologically hazard

Geologically Hazardous Areas

Hunting Season

Fish and Wildlife Habitat Conservation Areas

USGS Topographical Maps

For many years the Ferry Conservation District has served as the local source for United States Geological Services 7.5 minutes topographical maps of Ferry County.  We are going out of the map business and must liquidate our inventory.  We still have most of the county maps and are selling them for $5.00 each (tax included / cash or check only).  They may be purchased at our Republic office during our open hours (8:00 am to 4:00 pm, Mon.-Fri.)

Reading Map

Office Hours:
Monday - Friday
8:00 AM - 4:00 PM
General inquiries:

Water with mountains and trees

84 E. Delaware Ave.

PO Box 1045

Republic, WA 99166-1045

(509) 775-3473

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