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Republic/Curlew Schools Greenhouse Construction Project

Resource-based industries — including agriculture — have historically employed for a segment of Ferry County’s local high school graduates. Recognizing the challenge of providing academic offerings for students with an interest in agriculture, the Curlew/ Republic School superintendent approached the Ferry Conservation District (FCD) for assistance in the siting and construction of a large greenhouse on FCD-owned property. The facility will be used to teach Agricultural Science/Mechanics.

Project Summary and Results

The FCD worked with the schools in preparing the site, drilling a well, and laying a water line to the greenhouse. Students who assisted with the construction of the building learned invaluable building skills. Interest already generated by the greenhouse project has led to the establishment of an FFA chapter in the Curlew school. The long-term goal is to develop a school-run “demonstration farm.” The realization of this goal will be a “win-win,” as the FCD enhances the use of its property while providing the school districts more opportunities for students to pursue their interests in agriculture.

Key Partners

State Conservation Commission; Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction

Office Hours:
Monday - Friday
8:00 AM - 4:00 PM
General inquiries:

Water with mountains and trees

84 E. Delaware Ave.

PO Box 1045

Republic, WA 99166-1045

(509) 775-3473

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